The Wonder Years

My childhood memories have always been to me some sort of neverland I come back to when my adulthood doesn't work out quite as it should, that means often. The picture included pretty much shows what I used to be back then - a ruthless, spoiled kid with no compassion to other beings whatsoever. But seriously... No, that was actually true - I enjoyed keeping cats in cages, I also tried to kill my litte brother (on the right) a few times, once intentionally, but he was such a cute little angel, that would get on anyones nerves. But that was around the age of three.
In the third grade and later on, when I learned to cope with my psychological problems and my ADHD started to fade I actually even made some friends (yay!), well... not friends (she was too jelauos and I was too vicious), but I started to hang out with a girl from our neighborhood. I have never been a bff type of a person and neither was she, so in the end we were getting along quite well and, what is perhaps most important, we still do. Everytime I'm in my village, we meet to gossip and look back on our innocent years.

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